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BUGSnet R package

NEW release 2024-06-21! Version 1.1.2!


The number of publications using network meta-analysis (NMA) has increased dramatically within the past decade. Despite this increase, several reviews have noted shortcomings with respect to the quality of the conduct and reporting of NMAs. Network meta-analyses should be conducted and reported according to published best practices guidelines, namely the PRISMA, ISPOR-AMPC-NCA and NICE-DSU guidelines. These guidelines request numerous outputs that a single package does not currently provide. Moreover results (especially plots) are not publication-ready and often considerable time and effort must be spent to get them into a presentable state.

BUGSnet is a new feature-rich R package to conduct high-quality Bayesian NMA analyses and facilitate compliance with best practice guidelines and reporting. Bayesian analyses are conducted with JAGS (BUGS code is automatically generated by the package based on the user’s inputs.) Outputs are highly customizable and include network plots, tables of network characteristics, data plots, league tables and league heat plots, SUCRA plots, rankograms, forest plots, leverage plots, traceplots and posterior mean deviance comparison plots.

We hope that this software will help improve the conduct and reporting of NMAs.


Install BUGSnet on your machine

To install BUGSnet on your machine, please follow the instructions by clicking on the link below.

BUGSnet 1.1.2 (What’s new?) (Manual)

Archived versions

Start using BUGSnet

Please follow the code in our demonstration vignettes.


BUGSnet is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Kindly review the license. You are responsible for conforming to the terms of this license. BUGSnet is provided as-is and comes with absolutely no warranties. Commercial use is prohibited under this license; contact the authors for more information.

How to cite BUGSnet?

Béliveau A., Boyne D., Slater J., Brenner D. and Arora P. (2019). BUGSnet: an R package to facilitate the conduct and reporting of Bayesian network Meta-analyses. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(196).

Support or Contact

Having trouble? Or want to suggest an improvement to BUGSnet? Please fill an issue here.

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